
Showing posts from January 8, 2017

KINGDOM: SUPERTRAIN (a Kingdom Story Seed)

A nuclear-powered luxury supertrain hurtles between LA and NY, filled with glamorous stars and gripping human drama! Kingdom Story Seed It’s 1978. The supertrain Kolossus runs at more than 200mph, is powered by an active atomic pile and ranks of steam turbines, and makes a run between LA is NY in 36 hours, filled with glamorous stars, everyday joes who’ve saved their whole lives for this vacation, and a crew of misfits and weirdos who’re just doing their best to keep things on track! But with a job this big, that’s quite the handful! Whether it be the attempted political assassination due to mistaken identity, the cops hunting for mob big-wigs, representatives of the Kolossus holding company with a stake in having the train never stop, or just the mess on the lit disco floor, something is always going down. The Kingdom is the train and everyone on board, passengers (generally stars from the 70’s; feel free to just refer to them by their name and not their character’s name, we

Pre-Planning: February Script Frenzy Tag-Team Throwdown

I have done a terrible thing. More accurately, I've committed to a terrible thing. I have allowed myself to be drawn into a cooperative writing event, somewhat mimicking Script Frenzy which used to be administered by NaNoWriMo in April – but since they're not running it, I can do it anytime I want to. The overall idea is to write a 90 to 120-page script (screenplay, that is) in a month and share it with the world. But that's boring. I could do that any day. Here's the spice: in this case, I will be tagging out on writing scenes and short sequences with at least one other writer. (Poor +Eric Thompson  .) That's right, I have deliberately gamified the idea of writing a script. My companion writer has specified that he wishes to pursue this idea of wainscot sci-fi , but we are deliberately leaving vague specific elements and how they will play – because neither of us should know going in. Instead, whenever our scene/sequence comes up, we will be responsible