
Showing posts from March 19, 2017

Figment Daily Theme: Daemonettes

EXT. DIRTY BACK ALLEY SOMEWHERE IN LOS VEGAS TWO MEN laboriously, painfully turn over in a pile of spilled garbage bags in front of a tipped over bin. One reeks of YUPPY GONE TO POT, pop-collared salmon shirt smeared across a big belly borne of beer, while the other might've dropped straight off the nearest REDNECK FARMER catalog, all jeans and plaid shirt and baseball cap (Go Braves!). CAPTION: MIKE JEONATHON, 80's LEFTOVER MIKE (yuppy) Oh, Jesus. He promptly vomits into a nearby corner. CAPTION: BUTCH WALLAR, ETERNAL REDNECK CHAMPION BUTCH Well, that could'a been way worse, Mike. I mean, look up there. That's, what, three, four stories? Dayum, could'a been ugly. Mike makes it to his feet unsteadily. One hand on the tumbled bin, he walks toward Butch. The second is a little steadier. The third brings him close enough to PUNCH Butch right in the jaw. Butch stumbles back a few steps and rubs at the redness. BUTCH I may