
Showing posts from March 26, 2017

Figment Daily Themes: Katsup

INT. RECTORY BATHROOM - NIGHT The bathroom is in utter disarray. The entire mirror is ripped out of the wall, drugs strewn everywhere. The shower curtain is pulled half-down and sags limply across the way. Spots of some red liquid browning at the edges fleck the back of the shower. CSI has clearly already been and gone, leaving marks and outlines around this and that. DETECTIVE JOHN MAY crouches over the mess, looking about as disgusted as a 30 year member of the force might. DETECTIVE HIRAM AHRENS stands just outside, Hasidic dress and beard clashing incongruously with his environment. He leans against the doorframe and appears to be sketching the outlines of the room in the air. MAY You still creep me out a little, you know. AHRENS Meh. God is good to you and I alike. To you, he gives a partner who sees things. To me, he gives a burden I can learn to carry. Wonderful, no? May creeps along the edge of the tub, looking at the lines of residue. AHRENS