
Showing posts from February 8, 2015

1st Generation Lytro Versus A Real Camera! Fight! Light-Field Photography In the Field!

The 1st Generation Lytro light-field camera. Less Violence Than Expected! OK, you got me. After reading far, far too much linkbait phrasing, it's almost impossible to let go of the stuff if you have the opportunity to go with it. That's the true, hidden danger of dealing with such toxic material.  One weird trick that'll keep you from reading headlines for the rest of your life! Ahem. That's not what we're here for. The Rebel T3, token human-technology device. Instead, we're here to talk about cameras and alien technology.  If not alien technology, certainly technology that's alien to the experience of most of the photograph-taking public. The kind of alien technology that lets you take a shot, then feed it into your computer and be able to adjust the planes of focus with a mouse-stroke, adjust the aperture from f/1 to f/16 with a slider, even define areas of complete sharpness against areas of perfect out-of-focus. It's real