
Showing posts from 2016

Christmas Miracle! 3D Pokemon Go Christmas Models For Free!

Out of the boundless joy and generosity of my heart, I have decided to release the 3D designs for the Pokémon Go Christmas ornaments and Christmas tree topper for free! That's right, I'm putting them up on Thingiverse for anyone to download and print for themselves before the end of the holiday season. If you print one of these designs, I would greatly appreciate it if you were to reply on Thingiverse with a picture of the results, and be sure to tell your friends. If you feel like sending me a little tip via the site, I would certainly not stop you. Smarmy Saturnalia and a Merry Christmas to all of you!

Topping Up the Christmas Tree With Pokestops

You ever have one of those days where you get an idea, it looks simple, but once you knock out the obvious parts it starts getting ugly? Yes, this project is like that. From the top. This is what it looks like (by intention): Fairly simple, right? It's a simple Pokemon Go Pokestop, that weird location where you put out a finger, give it a spin, and it showers you in presents by shooting balls and sticky potions in your face. Perfectly sensible as an inspiration. This is what burped its way out of my brain: A perfectly sensible translation, at least if you intend to stick it on a tree. There are a couple subtleties that can be pretty easily overlooked if you're in a hurry, like the fact the outer ring has a definite inner lip, or the fact that there are multiple floating parts that we don't currently have maglev or anti-grav to keep in the air without some kind of through-post to suspend them -- which needs to at least be notionally strong enough to keep the bit...

[3d Modeling] Making the Pokeball Mug

Taking A Look There was some discussion on my previous "pokemug" design that suggested at least one  person wanted to see a more ambitious design, something with a little more of the classic Pokeball going on. Never let it be said that I am not accommodating. Let's talk about some of the issues with taking a classic Pokeball and turning it into a usable mug. Firstly, it's a sphere. You know upfront that you're going to have to trim a little off the bottom in order to create a surface for it to sit on stably. No one wants to knock their mug and watch it go rolling away spewing coffee in all directions. That would be a terrible idea, and as a designer, I would have to take myself to task for doing something so stupid. So, flat bottom, right up front. Secondly, it's a sphere. You know you're going to have to cut a little bit off the top in order to have something that one can actually physically drink out of. This is actually a bigger d...

[3d Modeling] Let's Talk Aboiut Failure (Team Instinct 8oz Mug)

Team Instinct Mug, but what's wrong? Learning About Failure I've written a lot about the positive side effects of failure in other posts, especially in regards to some of the video education stuff that I've done. (If you're interested in specifically the Collection regarding video education, you can find that over here: .) This is a short version: Success doesn't teach us anything. Success is the flag which tells us that we have finally achieved what we were aiming at; it's an end flag. End flags are important because they signal us that we should finally have that shot of serotonin that creates the reinforcement of seeking success. But that neurochemical signal is as much a punishment/signal flag of failure when we don't get it and have come to accept it. Some of said that failure is what you get when you don't get what you want. Others have said that's experience. They're both true...

Kingdom Story Seed -- The House de Calmar

This story seed is intended to be used with Kingdom as a means of quickly assembling a game session setup for 3 - 5 players. Times of sorcery and intrigue always have at least one extended family whose dabbling into things unspeakable, either magical or social -- and frequently both -- become the stuff of legends. The House de Calmar is one such, an extended family of depravity and indolence, propped up with sorceries, cunning political intrigues, and simply enough gall to both shock and fascinate those outside the House. The necessity of "keeping things in the family" is never lost, and much time is spent managing the affairs of the outside world to maintain the mirror-finish that those without the blessing of being accepted as insiders see from their vantage. Families often find that their members are both their best friends and worst enemies, sometimes within the same conflict. Likewise, blood is thought thicker than water, leaving those who might wish to intervene...

Fighting in Space Is Like Riding a Train. Possibly Naked.

Best description of highly realistic space combat I think I've ever read: "You and your opponent are glued onto the top of trains going in opposite directions. You have laser pointers and can try to blind the other guy from 35 miles away._ If you fail to blind the other guy, you can throw hand grenades at each other as the trains make their closest approach. Those hand grenades are small nuclear weapons…and if you're very quick, you can shoot them down with the laser pointer. You have no real way to change the speed of the train, or to take it off the tracks." It only gets better when you realize that you're wearing nothing except a big, glowing, neon sign that points at your arm and your butt.